This Image in a range of 5 flavours was a lot of fun to do using some great shots by Isamu Sawa . Ingredients being shot with an air rifle in glass balls to create the exploding effect. Then retouching different images together and placing them inside bubbles illustrated in 3D for the final composition. The Bottles were also a comp of shots and 3D label art. These ads are part of a large campaign that run with TV. Campaign Brief
This Image in a range of 5 flavours was a lot of fun to do using some great shots by Isamu Sawa . Ingredients being shot with an air rifle in glass balls to create the exploding effect. Then retouching different images together and placing them inside bubbles illustrated in 3D for the final composition. The Bottles were also a comp of shots and 3D label art. These ads are part of a large campaign that run with TV. Campaign Brief
Some of the images used to create this Ad. The final Ad Image was done in 3D and rendered out. Bottle labels were created in 3D from label artwork.